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Planting Trees?

Plan ahead and choose plantings wisely.

Please plant tall-growing trees away from utilities lines to protect you and your community. For information on selecting the right tree and planting near power lines, see the Arbor Day Foundation’s “Right Tree in the Right Place” at

For the correct way to plant a trees, see Arbor Day Foundation “How to Plant Trees”

Important Note: Before planting, make sure to consider a tree’s full growth potential to see how the location of the tree will affect any overhead or underground utilities lines and rights-of-way.

We work closely with homeowners and their contractors to temporarily disconnect service for safe pruning or tree removal. Please call us at 1-800-375-7413 at least five days in advance of the work.

Digging In? Please Call DigSafe®.

Deciding where to plant a tree is serious business, because electric and gas utility lines may be underground and where you least expect them. Tall-growing trees planted near, or adjacent to, utility lines may present a future hazard and eventually will require removal. If you’re planning any type of excavation project, call 1-888-DIGSAFE (344-7233) or 811at least 72 hours before work begins (excludes weekends and holidays). DigSafe® notifies us and other participating utilities, giving us time to mark our underground wires, pipes, or cables to prevent personal injury, property damage, and service interruptions. To download a copy of DigSafe® state laws and rules, please go to

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