Co-op Spotlight: Rakhi Ramteke
November 2, 2023
In today’s blog we would like to spotlight Rakhi Ramteke, a Business Development Co-op in the Transmission & Interconnection department here at Liberty.

Rakhi Ramteke
Business Development Co-op, Transmission & Interconnection
I'm excited to share my personal experience at Liberty with you! During my work term, I had the opportunity to gain valuable insights into the company's recruitment process, work environment, culture, and social activities. I felt that the recruitment process at Liberty was thorough yet engaging. After submitting my application, which included my resume and a cover letter, I was invited by the talent acquisition team for an interview. The interview took place virtually and was a combination of managerial and technical questions, allowing me to showcase my skills and enthusiasm for the position. The company valued both my academic achievements and my previous work experience in the utilities industry.
I was assigned as a Business Development Co-op in the Transmission & Interconnection department, where I had the chance to work on various renewable projects related to interconnection process and their system impact study. I was involved in meaningful work and given opportunities to apply the knowledge I gained in my graduate studies. The collaborative work with my manager and senior engineers allowed me to build strong relationships and promote effective communication.
The culture at Liberty is extremely inclusive and collaborative. The company emphasizes teamwork and I had the chance to work together with individuals from diverse backgrounds, which enriched my understanding of the industry. Liberty has numerous employee-based committees, and I got the opportunity to be a part of the Co-op Social Committee which organized virtual social events, such as team-building activities and networking sessions. These activities not only allowed me to connect with fellow co-ops but also provided exposure to professionals across different departments.
The highlight of the work term was the trip to the Amherst Island Wind Power Plant. The whole trip was well organized and executed. I had real-life exposure on installation of wind plants, their working, operation, and maintenance. I also enjoyed meeting other co-op students and going through this experience with them.
Overall, my co-op experience at Liberty was exceptional. The company's commitment to employee development and their dedication to creating a positive work environment left a lasting impression on me. I gained valuable skills, expanded my professional network, and felt supported throughout my internship journey.