Co-op Spotlights: Shivang, Zodie, and Siddhant
September 14, 2023
In today's blog we would like to share three spotlights from co-op students here at Liberty.

My expierence at Liberty has been nothing but super amazing so far! I work as a Service Desk Analyst and I get to meet new people everyday and help them with their issues. The workload is manageable and the support you get from your peers and manager is huge. The highlight on my term was being paired with the Chief Human Resource Officer of our Company Kirsten Olsen in a reverse mentorship program. It has been an amazing expirience so far with her and we've been having a great time.
Shivang Shingala, Service Desk Analyst Co-op
It has been an incredible journey thus far! I will admit that I have never felt so comfortable in an interview. It was the first sign that Liberty was where I wanted to complete my Co-op. Now working with the EHS Renewable team has been nothing short of amazing! I am pleased to be a part of team that fosters a work environment that has been positive, accommodating, collaborative and provides room for personal growth. Meeting and engaging with the EHS team from various regions during this year's annual EHS Team Meeting in Niagara stands out as one of my most memorable moments.
Zodie Ann Donaldson, EHS Coordinator Co-op

It’s been a great experience working for Liberty as a a Corporate Accounting intern. Colleagues are super nice here and help out whenever they can. I have never felt like I am alone, it feels like I am part of a team here where we tackle issues together. As an intern I am truly learning a lot which I know will be super beneficial for my career. The company culture is amazing! I can easily communicate with people in higher positions like my manager and director without any hesitation. Overall, I would recommend Liberty to every student looking for a co-op experience!
Siddhant Bajaj, Corporate Accounting Analyst Co-op