Liberty’s Actions to Preserve and Conserve


Water is a limited and precious resource that is essential to life, so it’s important to take action to preserve and conserve as much as possible.

With much of the western United States facing severe drought conditions, Liberty continues to invest in sustainable solutions to provide safe and reliable water service to customers and communities. To help protect the water supply for current and future generations, Liberty monitors drought conditions (Arizona, California, Texas) and follows a water use efficiency plan that maximizes water savings from Liberty’s water conservation programs (Arizona, California, Texas).

Other investments include recycling water to be reused for activities that do not require potable water. “We provide A+ quality recycled water to parks, golf courses, and for other irrigation needs where we’re able,” said Sara Alloway, Water Efficiency Manager for Liberty. “All of these actions increase our resiliency, especially during times of drought.”

Liberty’s Sustainable Effluent to Aquifer Project (SEAP) further supports sustainability and resiliency initiatives in its central Arizona service territory. The SEAP has a series of basins that span across 57 acres. A+ quality recycled water from Liberty’s Palm Valley Water Reclamation Facility (PVWRF) is injected into each of the basins, where it seeps back into the ground, which is a natural water filter, eventually refilling the aquifer. “What’s unique about this project is we help to replenish the same aquifer we pull from to supply drinking water to our customers,” said Eric Pena, Operator III at Liberty. “This helps to safeguard the potable water supply for customers now and in the future.”

To learn more about Liberty’s efforts to use recycled water, please visit the Wastewater and Reclaimed Water page on the Liberty website.

To learn more about ways you can help preserve and conserve in your area, visit the Conservation page on the Liberty website (Arizona, California, Texas).