Mike Beatty, Liberty’s Central Region President-Gas, says Natural Gas Utility Workers’ Day is a day for reflection on the work the gas team does each and every day and to thank them for everything they do for the customers.
Observed each year on March 18, this is a time to recognize the hard work and accomplishments of natural gas utility workers around the country. Liberty has gas utility workers across the United States and Canada who are dedicated to providing reliable and affordable service to customers with a focus on safety.
“The focus and attention this team demonstrates day-in and day-out on safety, compliance, and customer service – and being the face and voice of Liberty out in the field – continues to impress me,” he says. “The team has solid training, sound performance, and is mindful of the way they interact with the public.”
Jerry Summers has had a 45-year career in the gas industry – one that started as a meter reader, then a construction operator, and later as a senior service tech. For the last 11 years, he has served as Liberty’s Gas Operations Manager in Southeast Missouri.
“I always enjoyed reading meters in my younger years but always wanted to be a serviceman,” says Summers. “The thing I enjoy most about my job is the variety. Every day is something different.”
In the decades he has worked in the gas industry, the biggest change he has seen has been the technology.
“It amazes me how the technology has changed the way we perform so many of our daily duties … from meter reading, to leak investigations, construction, and even the office procedures,” he says.
Todd Giles also worked in the utility industry for years in the electric, water, and gas fields. He joined Liberty a year ago as a Technician II in Columbus, Georgia, and says his number one priority as a gas technician is safety.
“Keeping customers safe on a daily basis is essential to this job,” Giles says, adding that customers must know that when a gas worker leaves their home or business, they are safe and have that trust in Liberty to know we did our job to the fullest each and every time.
Giles says that, in addition to being diligent around safety, he loves interacting with the customers he serves – often joking and laughing with them.
“You never know if the customer you see could be having a bad day,” he says. “I know if I can make them laugh or smile and brighten their day, then I feel like I did something good for that day.”
Building those community relationships is a priority for Liberty.
Jefferson Guild, Maintenance Manager in Manchester, New Hampshire, says Liberty’s gas workers are well-trained and professional.
“Our teamwork is indisputable amongst all the divisions, leading me to extreme confidence in their ability to safely and correctly complete any task,” he says.
It is that training, professionalism, teamwork, and caring nature that makes Liberty’s gas team shine every day.
Thank you for all that you do!