Liberty employees don’t mind getting their hands dirty to make a difference in the community. Whether it’s creating a greener space, cleaning up litter or collecting items that community members need, we dive in and make it happen, across the region.
It may sound like our Massachusetts COW volunteers are farming, but that acronym represents Clean Our Westport, and our employees did just that. They joined close to 180 volunteers to pick up debris throughout the town, despite the cold and rainy Saturday morning.
Food insecurity is frightening enough during an ordinary day. But during the holidays, it is even more stressful. To assist in helping local community members enjoy the Easter they deserved, Liberty employees pulled together to organize a food drive for the St. John Food Pantry in Hudson. And they didn't stop there. Two groups of employees on two different days volunteered their time to help get things organized for a smooth distribution of holiday goodies.

The Liberty team made sure they were good neighbors for the 12 Neighbours organization in Fredericton, New Brunswick. Having safe, affordable, and permanent housing is one of the most basic human needs. The organization helps provide that need, in addition to personal development supports and employment. But they can’t do it alone! Which is why a team of Liberty employees pitched in to move equipment.

In New York, we took our conservation show on the road, teaching third graders at a local elementary school all about how and why we should save water. Using a groundwater model and a hand washing station, more than 100 children not only learned about the importance of preserving this precious resource, but also shared their ideas with our team.

Further south where the weather is warmer, Liberty employees visited a homeless shelter where they added a flower bed underneath the organization’s sign. The entrance to the Gainesville, Georgia shelter, My Sister's Place, looks brighter and happier thanks to a little hands-on effort by our Georgia team. We also participated in the famous Sweep the Hooch watershed-wide trash clean up along the Chattahoochee River – joining hundreds of volunteers to keep the Hooch clean.
This is just the start for 2024.
We have plans to get out to more communities –
partnering with you is our favorite thing to do!