Whether it’s due to Mother Nature, people, or animals, when the power goes out, it’s good to have friends in high places.
Today is National Lineworker Appreciation Day, a day dedicated to expressing our thanks to the men and women who keep service reliable. We’re proud to shine a spotlight on our lineworkers and operations teams for the work they do 24 hours a day, 365 days a year on behalf of our customers. We thank them for their hard work, grit under extreme conditions, and dedication to the job.
To put in perspective how big of a job they do, just look at the numbers. Liberty has around 309,000 customer connections across its electric service territories, with more than 13,000 line miles to maintain.
"Our lineworkers are amazing and deserve our appreciation every day," says Jeffrey Faber, Director of Engineering, New Hampshire. "They prioritize safety while working with dangerous products 24/7, 365 days a year. Most of their work is performed with the lines energized and they are always available to respond during storms to restore service as quickly and safely as possible. The dedication, skill, and strong customer commitment of Liberty lineworkers sets them apart from all others."