This October 11, National Coming Out Day, is a day where individuals in the LGBTQ+ community spread awareness that prejudice thrives in silence. This day is celebrated on October 11 of each year and was inspired by 500,000 people who marched in Washington for Lesbian and Gay rights on October 11, 1987. Every year, the popularity of National Coming Out Day becomes stronger and more vibrant. We now see notable celebrities come out and support this day to help spread awareness. The continuing plan is to eliminate hate and homophobia to allow family, friends, and colleagues to come out in a safe environment and be their authentic selves.
“I came out when I was 25. It was very difficult at first. The first thing my mom said to me was “Are you going to cut all your hair off now”. Well, I did LOL. My family struggled because I grew up southern Baptist. We were always taught that this was against god’s will. That is why it took me so long to come out and be my true self. I struggled with knowing my family would not accept me being a lesbian. 3 years later, my brother came out as well. I think this was even harder on my family. They struggled with what did they do wrong. It has taken a lot over the years to help them understand it wasn’t them, or the way they raised us. It’s just who we are. I am now 46, and I have a wonderful relationship with my parents. My younger brother does as well. My older brother loves us, but too many hurtful things were said and done in the past, so that relationship is strained.” - Liberty Employee
- Support someone coming out. No way around it - coming out can be a difficult experience. Be an ally by accepting those that choose to share this part of their lives with you. If you yourself are on the fence about whether to share that important bit of your identity, know that you are loved and supported and everyone has their time frame to come out, you will know when it is right for you.
- Join your company’s LGBTQ+ Employee Resource Group whether you are part of the community or an ally
- Don a Pride symbol to raise awareness